In an article published by Hotel News Now on March 27, Greg Duff discusses the impact of COVID-19 on the hospitality industry.
As the world continues to live with the unknown and constantly changing landscape of the coronavirus crisis, the hospitality industry is looking to much later in the year to bring back business to any extent.
At this point, most of the “new” business being booked is re-booked business with event dates heavily impacted by the virus and its fallout.
“Understandably, most hotels are now busy reacting to the wave of cancellation requests. Hotels are generally trying to work with their clients to reach an amicable resolution, which may include payment in full of contract cancellation charges, payment of some percentage of contract cancellation charges, rescheduling the cancelled event at a date later in the year, or outright cancellation without payment of cancellation charges,” says Duff.
For the full article, you may click here.