Lydia C. Stefanowicz, a partner in the firm’s Real Estate Department, will be a presenter for a live webinar on “Real Estate Opinion Letter Fundamentals” on Thursday, July 12, 2018 from 1:00pm – 2:30pm (ET). The program will be presented by Lorman Education Services.
Ms. Stefanowicz and her fellow speakers will provide an overview of the key issues encountered by counsel in issuing third-party closing opinion letters. The presentation will identify available opinion resources and provide guidance on both substantive and process issues. The approach will be pragmatic and designed to provide opinion issuers with practical, useable advice on dealing with what is an often a difficult and stressful task for counsel not conversant in opinion practice.
The program agenda covers the following topics:
- Ethical Considerations in Issuing Third-Party Legal Opinions
- Firm Opinion Letter Policies and Procedures
- What Opinions Should You Give?
- Opinion Resources; Forms
- Opinion Due Diligence
- Substantive Opinions
- Core Opinions
- Entity Opinions (Entity Status, Power, Authorization, Execution and Delivery)
- Enforceability Opinion
- Other Opinions
- Form of Security Documents
- No Breach or Violation
- No Violation of Law
- Choice of Law
- Usury
- Inappropriate Opinion Requests
- Limitations-Assumptions, Exclusions and Qualifications
- Local Counsel Issues
- Governing Law Issues
- Core Opinions
Ms. Stefanowicz concentrates her practice in the areas of commercial lending and real estate finance. She provides counsel to both lenders and borrowers in real estate acquisition, construction, permanent mortgage (including CMBS) and mezzanine financings. She has significant experience in real estate workouts and debt restructuring transactions, and represents real estate developers and investment funds in connection with the formation of joint ventures to acquire, develop, construct and manage properties. She is ACMA’s designee to the Working Group on Legal Opinions (WGLO) and former co-Chair of the ACMA Opinions Committee, and serves as Secretary of the ACREL Attorney Opinions Committee.
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