The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA, ADAAA) and Rehabilitation Act, which incorporates most of the ADA standards, prohibit discriminating against employees based on their disabilities. Indeed, with the ADAAA amendment, recent court decisions have broadened the scope of what is considered a disability, as well as what steps an employer must take in order to comply with the law.
In doing so, employers may feel that their hands are tied behind their back in dealing with employees who perform poorly and/or act out at work. However, just because an employee is ...
There have been very few if any health care policies as controversial as the Affordable Care Act (ACA). One of its most talked about provisions, the contraception mandate, again made headlines this past month, especially here in the Seventh Circuit. Unless you were living under a rock or enjoying a tropical vacation without Wi-Fi last July, you’ve heard of Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, 134 S. Ct. 2751 (2014), the Supreme Court decision that held corporations controlled by religious families cannot be required to pay for contraception coverage for their female workers, contrary to ...
Last week, the National Labor Relations Board (board) filed a legal brief in an ongoing federal lawsuit over the viability of a multi-part right-to-work law implemented through a county-wide ordinance in Hardin County, Kentucky. Among other things, the ordinance at issue prohibits the use of union-security provisions in collective bargaining agreements, and also regulates hiring halls, dues check-off, anti-coercion and discrimination provisions, and the penalties for violations of Section 8 of the National Labor Relations Act. The board’s central argument is that ...
The EEOC officially published proposed rules applying the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to employer wellness programs on April 20, 2015. The public comment period ends June 19, 2015.
Wellness programs, often offered as part of group health plans, are programs designed to improve employee health and reduce health care expense. Wellness programs vary widely and may include incentives encouraging employees to participate in smoking cessation or weight loss programs, or undergo health risk assessments or biometric screenings.
Despite rules applicable to wellness ...
Not exactly—but it is quite useful, nonetheless.
Recently, the Office of the General Counsel for the National Labor Relations Board issued a report on lawful and unlawful employee handbook rules. And while the information provided in the report does not have the force of law, the guidance is quite detailed and it provides insight into what, for the moment, is the board’s approach to enforcement on employee handbooks.
What the report makes clear is that context is key to determining whether an employee handbook provision will be considered lawful or not. For instance, it is ...
Last month OSHA published another bulletin as part of its series for providing guidance on safety and health compliance with respect to temporary workers. This particular bulletin reiterated OSHA’s position that temporary employees have the same rights and protections as all other covered employees, including protection against retaliation for engaging in protected activity. OSHA stressed that a temporary employee who believes he or she is retaliated against for reporting injuries, participating in OSHA inspection, raising safety concerns or complaints, or engaging in ...
The IRS and Treasury Department recently issued Notice 2015-16 discussing initial approaches to implementing the 40% excise tax imposed on high-cost health plans under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). This notice is the first step in the process leading to final regulations.
Beginning in 2018, the excise tax, also called the “Cadillac Tax,” will impose a 40% tax on the cost of employer-sponsored health plans that exceeds certain thresholds. The tax may affect few plans initially, but is expected to affect many more over time as the cost of health care grows faster than inflation.
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Regulations (FMCSR) set forth rules and regulations for employment applications involving applicants applying to drive commercial motor vehicles. (See 49 C.F.R. § 391.21). Section 391.21 has been adopted in most states (for example, Illinois law recognizes Section 391.21 pursuant to Title 92 of the Illinois Administrative Code).
FMCSR specifically requires applicants completing a commercial driver application to (1) list all violations of motor vehicle laws or ordinances (other than parking) of which the applicant was ...
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