Governor Signs Into Law NEW Changes to Illinois’ Day and Temporary Labor Services Act and the Illinois Department of Labor Releases EMERGENCY REGULATIONS EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY!

On August 4, 2023, Governor Pritzker signed House Bill 2862 into law amending Illinois’ Day and Temporary Labor Services Act. This game changing legislation passed by State Legislature affects Illinois’ Staffing Industry as a whole and ALL EMPLOYERS that utilize temporary labor in Illinois. For more information about this new legislation, see our previous blog on House Bill 2862.

Emergency Regulations Are in Effect

On Monday, August 7, 2023, the Illinois Department of Labor (IDOL) released emergency regulations in response to House Bill 2862 being signed into law that are effective immediately. These “Emergency” Regulations now apply to ALL Illinois staffing agencies and employers using temporary labor. Click here for a pdf copy of the new emergency regulations. The emergency regulations are in effect for up to 150 days unless permanent regulations take effect prior to this expiration.

Proposed Permanent Regulations on the Horizon

Additionally, on Monday August 7, 2023, the IDOL also released a notice of “Proposed” Regulations that will eventually replace the IDOL’s new emergency regulations once they have gone through the official notice and public comment process required for the implementation of new regulations issued by the IDOL. Click here for a pdf copy of the proposed permanent regulations that include some additional detail the emergency regulations don’t address.

We will continue to provide timely updates and developments relating to this subject.    

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