Locked, Loaded and Licensed – Illinois State Police Issue First 5000 Concealed Carry Licenses

The Illinois State Police announced today that they have approved the first 5,000 applications for concealed carry licenses under Illinois law and will be mailing out concealed carry licenses today.

The approval of these licenses shows that the Illinois State Police have decided not to use the entire 90 day period that the law provides for them to review applications, which would have resulted in the first concealed carry licenses being issued in April 2014.

Businesses and employers should anticipate that customers, clients and employees could have a concealed carry license as soon as Monday, March 3, 2014.  Employers should make sure to remind employees of their position and policies addressing weapons, as well as concealed carry on their property and in the workplace. Employers should also make sure to notify managers and supervisors that concealed carry licenses have been issued and go over the company’s policies regarding weapons and concealed carry and the proper procedures for addressing and enforcing the company’s policies.

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