The Illinois “Job Opportunities for Qualified Applicants Act” has been approved by the Illinois legislature. It was sent to Governor Quinn on June 27, 2014, and he is expected to sign it into law.

Once signed (or if the Governor doesn’t veto it by August 27, 2014), the Act would go into effect January 1, 2015. Illinois would become the fifth state on a growing list of states (currently Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Minnesota and Hawaii) to enact “ban the box” legislation that applies to public and private employers. Another five states (California, Colorado ...

In March 2003, former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich issued an executive order calling for state recognition of a union as the exclusive representative of home health care personal assistants employed in the “rehabilitation program.” The executive order was subsequently codified by the Illinois legislature, which declared personal assistants to be “public employees” of the state of Illinois “solely for the purposes of coverage under the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act.” Subsequently, the personal assistants selected SEIU as their exclusive ...

Maybe. Organizations representing a variety of business and labor interests accepted the NLRB’s invitation to weigh in on whether the board should reconsider its standard for determining when organizations are deemed “joint employers.” Teamsters Local 350 requested the NLRB review a decision which found Browning-Ferris and its subcontractor, Leadpoint (which provides employees to the Browning-Ferris facility), were not joint employers because Browning-Ferris did not share immediate and direct control over the terms and conditions of Leadpoint’s employees ...

In what was disappointing news to employers in Illinois, Wisconsin, and Indiana, the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in December 2013 that the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s (“EEOC”) failure to engage in good-faith conciliation efforts with an employer prior to filing a lawsuit alleging the employer engaged in unlawful discrimination or harassment is not a viable affirmative defense requiring the dismissal of such a lawsuit.

According to the employer’s petition to the Supreme Court, the Mach Mining case began with a single EEOC charge from one ...

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled on Thursday that President Obama’s three appointments to the NLRB in January 2012, made without the “advice and consent” (i.e., approval) of the Senate, were invalid appointments.  The case is NLRB v. Noel Canning, and affirms a prior decision of the court of appeals for the D.C. circuit.

As a result, hundreds of cases decided by the NLRB from January 2012 through July 2013 have been rendered void – as if they never happened – because the NLRB did not have a quorum and could not lawfully act.  The NLRB may have to reconsider those cases anew.  That ...

On Tuesday, the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals vacated an FMLA decision that was in favor of the employer and instructed the lower court to issue a ruling in favor of the employee.  The case involved the application of FMLA to an employee caring for an adult child and the issue regarding information the employee must provide about the duration of the leave and return to work status.  The court’s opinion is instructive on both issues.

Suzan Gienapp worked at a residential nursing care facility.  She requested time off to care for her adult daughter who had to undergo treatment for ...

In a recent workers’ compensation case, the personal and neutral risk defenses have been seriously eroded via an appellate court created exception based on the number of times an employee is exposed to a neutral risk (no greater risk than the general public/no defect) with employer knowledge of the personal condition.

In the case of Village of Villa Park, a community service officer suffered from a right knee condition related to a prior non-work injury (fall on ice at his vacation home).  Due to the injury suffered in that accident, the petitioner was scheduled for ...

HB 8, pushed through the Illinois Legislature and ready to be signed into law by Governor Quinn, amends the Illinois Human Rights Act to add to the list of employment discrimination, an employer’s failure to provide a reasonable accommodation to an employee based on conditions related to pregnancy or childbirth. The new amendment will create a legal quagmire for Illinois employers. Employers currently must balance the rights of employees under the current Illinois Human Rights Act (IHRA), the federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the federal Family ...

Two armed would-be robbers burst into your workplace demanding money/drugs/computers/merchandise.  One of your employees pulls a gun from his pocket, fires at the thugs, and they run away.  Do you give the employee a bonus …… or do you terminate him?  The sixth circuit recently said it’s ok for employers to enforce policies that prohibit possession of weapons in the workplace and require non-escalation in violent situations.

In Hoven v. Walgreens (Case No. 13-1011) a Michigan pharmacist obtained his concealed carry permit and began bringing his handgun to work after an ...

SB 3287 was signed by Governor Quinn yesterday, June 5, 2014. This legislation effectively overturns the prior (2012) Appellate Court decision in Mockbee and Mockbee v. Humphrey Manlift Company, Inc. and R. Harris Electric, Inc., 973 N.E.2d 376, 362 Ill.Dec. 276.  It eliminates the workers’ compensation exclusive remedy/immunity enjoyed by service companies that provide safety consulting services unless those companies are wholly-owned by the employer, insurance broker or the insurer. Erosion of the exclusive remedy provision always creates more ...

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