• Posts by Brad Goss

    Real estate, or as he likes to call it “dirt,” is in Brad’s blood. Growing up, his family owned and operated a brokerage, property management and construction company. Brad also served as president and general counsel of a large ...

Short-term rentals of property, including, rentals for as short of time as on an hourly basis, are increasing in frequency around the country. The character of a community can be dramatically altered by such rentals and cause concerns for homeowners related to property values, security, and peace of mind.

Municipalities adopt zoning ordinances in order to regulate the use of land within their boundaries and to provide for future growth without over-taxing their infrastructure and other resources. 

We are all familiar with commercials and ads warning real estate owners (“Owners”) of title theft. What is described as title theft occurs when a fraudster forges an Owner’s name on a deed transferring real estate to themselves, later mortgaging or selling it to acquire money.

In a Solar Panel Purchase Agreement (“PPA”), a developer (“Developer”) finances and installs solar panels on an owner’s (“Owner’s”) property and stipulates that the Owner use the electricity generated which is often cheaper than the rate charged by utility companies. PPAs often serve as opportunities for Owners to save money on energy.

It is increasingly common for landowners and building owners (“Owners”) to be approached by a developer (“Developer”) interested in executing a “solar land lease” (“Solar Lease”) or a “solar power purchase agreement” (“Solar Power Purchase Agreement”). Solar Leases allow for a Developer to install solar panel systems on an Owner’s property in exchange for payment.  Conversely, in a Solar Agreement, the Developer finances and installs solar panels on an Owner’s property and stipulates that the Owner use the electricity generated which is often cheaper than the rate charged by utility companies.

Welcome to In the Dirt: Real Estate Legal Update where attorneys from Amundsen Davis blog about all things related to real estate, zoning, real estate management and finance. 



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