Indiana Amends Lobbying and Gift Laws
As a result of former HB 1001 signed by Governor Daniels earlier this year, Indiana has made several changes to its lobbying and gift rules. Most of the changes became effective on November 1, 2010, although a few became effective on July 1, 2010.
Indiana now prohibits, among other activities, lobbyists and lobbyist employers from making a gift of $50 or more to a legislator or staffer without the prior consent of the intended recipient. Fifty dollars is the new threshold for special lobbyist and lobbyist employer gift reports, so if a legislator or staffer does not want to be included in such a report, he or she will not give consent to a gift of $50 or more. Refusing such gifts also will keep the legislator or staffer off regular lobbying reports, since the thresholds for itemizing gifts, entertainment, meals and drinks on such reports is now $50 per day or $250 per calendar year.
In addition, the state now bans lobbyists and lobbyist employers from paying for legislative travel outside of Indiana.
Among other things, an honoraria ban applicable to Members of the state legislature became effective on July 1, 2010.