Welcome To The Inaugural Issue...
...of Wiley, Rein & Fielding's Cyberlaw Postings. Cyberspace has emerged as a medium of great importance to businesses around the world. We hope this newsletter will enlighten our clients and friends to both the enormous possibilities and risks associated with use of this dynamic medium, as well as provide "cutting-edge” information on legal issues that arise in all aspects of cyberspace activity.
As we move into the twenty-first century, and cyberspace becomes a much more highly traveled medium, it is important for businesses to be aware of the many legal developments which may affect them, and their use of cyberspace.
In particular, businesses need to recognize the wide range of other legal issues which intersect in cyberspace - including communications infrastructure, intellectual property, commercial law, freedom of speech, privacy protection, electronic messaging, and litigation. We hope that this update will prove valuable in meeting many of your business requirements.