Registration Now Required for Virtual Lobbying in Nevada
As of March 18, 2021, lobbyist registration is no longer limited to in-person activities in Nevada. Now, a lobbyist means a person who “communicates directly with a member of the Legislative Branch on behalf of someone other than himself or herself to influence legislative action, whether or not any compensation is received for the communication.” Prior to this change, lobbyists communicating virtually due to COVID-19 did not trigger registration.
The amended lobbying statute also adds an exception to the definition of lobbyist for “persons who confine their lobbying activities to communicating directly with one or more members of the Legislative Branch only on an infrequent or irregular basis and who do not otherwise engage in any lobbying activities, unless those persons engage in a pattern of conduct that is substantially similar to engaging in lobbying activities on a recurrent or regular basis.”
Wiley’s Election Law & Government Ethics Practice frequently advises clients on their lobbyist registration and reporting obligations.