Press Release

Insurance Partner Kimberly M. Melvin Named a Law360 "Rising Star"

March 30, 2011

Wiley Rein Insurance partner Kimberly M. Melvin has been named a "Rising Star" by Law360, her "shining reputation in the field" making her one of "five insurance lawyers under 40 to watch." The accolade recognizes both Ms. Melvin's "unique expertise at the nexus of insurance and bankruptcy law" and experience leading "some of the world's biggest insurers through complex professional liability coverage battles."

In profiling Ms. Melvin, Law360 notes she is "remarkably talented," while devoting "a large portion of her practice to representing professional liability insurance carriers in claims, particularly those brought under directors and officers policies, stemming from policyholder bankruptcies." Ms. Melvin's work includes "representing a major professional liability insurance carrier in sorting out directors and officers liability and investment management liability policy claims sparked by the 2008 bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc." and "scoring a major summary judgment victory for an insurance carrier behemoth in a coverage fight in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania."

Daniel J. Standish, chair of Wiley Rein's Insurance Group, and a long-time mentor, praises Ms. Melvin, telling Law360 that "people respect her a great deal, particularly in circumstances where there are a large number of lawyers and companies involved. Kim tends to play a leadership role in formulating strategies and helping the insurers as a whole come to a decision in terms of what steps to take."

Mr. Standish also tells Law360 that her impressive work with clients has come alongside her deep involvement with the Wiley Rein and insurance law communities. Ms. Melvin holds a leadership role in the American Bar Association's Section of Litigation's Insurance Coverage Litigation Committee, serving as co-chair of the Committee's Bankruptcy & Insolvency Subcommittee and its Professional Liability Subcommittee.

Read Time: 1 min


Diana Courson
Chief Marketing Officer

Diana Dillon
Director of Marketing

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