AD Impact

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Social Responsibility 

As a firm, we are conscious of the impact we have on the communities in which we live and work. Our goal is simple – to be a positive influence on our industry and to support the causes that matter to ourselves, our clients and our colleagues.

To that end, Amundsen Davis is proud to support each of its attorneys in their pursuit of causes personal to their interests and to make firm-wide commitments of time and financial resources as an active corporate citizen of the Midwest.

2023-2024 Support

The following represent examples of the organizations we support with our time and monetary resources as a firm. 


At Amundsen Davis we believe we have a social responsibility to reduce our carbon footprint and do our part to combat climate change. Our firm’s sustainability practices aim to reduce our emissions, eliminate waste and be more energy efficient. We are committed to minimizing the impact our firm has on the environment by encouraging recycling, reducing waste and fossil fuel usage, and conserving energy where we can. These efforts are ongoing and we are always striving to do more.

Our Sustainable Practices

The following represent examples of the sustainable practices we have adopted as a firm. 

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