Making the decision to trust a firm and its attorneys to handle important legal and business matters is one that we know clients do not take lightly. We are thankful to have earned the confidence of a growing group of clients, to have developed a brand that is attracting exceptional legal talent and to have become trusted advisors to business leaders across the country. 

We know that clichés and generalizations will not help you distinguish Amundsen Davis from competing firms. In lieu of the puffing and platitudes, we offer you this insight into what we believe is important and how that impacts what we do for our clients.

Our History

View a timeline of our history here.

Our Mission

At Amundsen Davis's core, you’ll find a full service law firm built on a foundation of integrity, tenacity, shared values and commitment to our clients. Our attorneys are prepared to handle a multitude of diverse legal services from the inception of business, to labor and employment issues, and litigation.

With the combined heft and power of a multinational firm and the predictability and project management attention of a boutique, we are our clients’ most trusted business advisors. We offer top-flight counsel, educational resources and programming, and determination to exceed expectations in pursuit of their goals.  

Firm Culture

We get our drive from a shared sense of entrepreneurship. The firm was established, and still operates, on the idea that the potential for career growth should be endless and that the success of our individual attorneys should be based on their efforts and not be hindered by other factors.  We conduct all of our interactions with clients, colleagues and competitors with the utmost respect and professionalism. We put the client’s wishes and business goals ahead of our own without exception.


We seek to recruit and retain talent with diverse perspectives, excellent legal abilities and a ceaseless desire to learn and become even better.


We operate with integrity, reliability and compassion. Our credibility is what we trade on.


We develop and maintain strong professional relationships that exceed expectation to the degree that both our clients and colleagues count us as a trusted and reliable resource.

  • Client Service Standards

    We take our service to clients seriously. In fact, our style of service is one of the things clients most often cite as a reason they select our firm. 

  • Midwest Base, National & International Reach

    Amundsen Davis operates twelve offices across the Midwest. While our brick and mortar presence is regional, we resolve legal issues internationally. Our clients’ businesses are located in the United States, the United Kingdom, Europe, Asia, Central & South America and Australia. When 'boots on the ground' are required in jurisdictions outside our office coverage, we utilize our membership in the USLAW Network to provide our clients with seamless legal services wherever they are. 

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Mission Statement

Amundsen Davis provides the quality legal services that our clients require to achieve their goals. Each of us strives to demonstrate the highest degree of professionalism in our relationships with the bench, the bar and in business transactions. Our success is built upon this foundation of integrity, shared values, a commitment to exceeding client expectations and the use of creative approaches to resolve client matters efficiently. We distinguish ourselves from our competitors by our commitment to the professional development of our lawyers and staff.

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