BACK IN BUSINESS: Returning Workers to the Workplace

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Amundsen Davis, Webcast
 | 11:00 AM CT

recording“Business as usual” will be anything but for the foreseeable future. Business owners need to evaluate the issues and risks as they prepare to return workers to the workplace.
Join attorneys Heather Bailey and Suzannah Wilson Overholt as they discuss how employers can get back to business as effectively as possible, including:

  • The latest guidance from local, state, and federal government on phasing in workers
  • Screening employees, including temperature checks at the door, and related privacy concerns
  • Protecting employees, including identifying appropriate PPE
  • Public transportation and commuting issues
  • Managing childcare issues
  • Avoiding discrimination claims and related pitfalls
  • Diminishing the threat of workers compensation claims
  • Supporting subcontractors/independent contractors without making them employees
  • Managing public relations
  • And more!

We hope you can join us for this timely webcast!

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Credits listed below are pending approval

Continuing Legal Education (CLE) - IL, 1 Hour
HR Certification Institute (HRCI) - 1 Hour
Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) - 1 PDC



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