HR: Illinois' New Anti-Harassment/Discrimination Laws - What Employers Need to Know

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Valley Industrial Association (VIA); Geneva, IL
 | 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM

URGENT! All employers in Illinois will be affected by the new statutory changes regarding workplace harassment and discrimination.

The VIA will be hosting a peer group meeting where Jeff Risch will be giving an in depth presentation providing attendees with a detailed recap of the new changes.

Notable topics include:

  • Current legislation and new laws
  • Required updates regarding training, key policies, personnel forms, severance agreements, nondisclosure and arbitration agreements.
  • Resolving employment disputes
  • Discrimination against an employee perceived to be a part of a protected class (i.e. gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity).
  • Expansion of the Victims Economic Security & Safety Act (VESSA)
  • Requirements for employers to disclose the number of sexual harassment and discrimination settlements.
  • Requirements for annual employee training on sexual harassment.
  • Expansion of Illinois harassment and discrimination law to all employers.
  • Protection of independent contractors from harassment and discrimination.

Complimentary Breakfast will be served.


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