
The Illinois Chamber of Commerce, Webinar
 | 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

During this 90-minute presentation, hosted by the Illinois Chamber of Commerce, Jeff Risch will discuss how to properly and effectively prepare legally sound documentation when preparing for a lay-off or firing the problem employee.

Other notable topics from the webinar include:

  • Handling discipline and corrective discussions investigating misconduct
  • Documentation 101 - What to record vs. what not to record, confidential information and privacy concerns
  • When you have to terminate - Lawful vs. Unlawful reasons (key case law developments); The key mechanics of terminations, most common pitfalls and checklists
  • Procedures for Lay-offs - safeguards when conducting a RIF, effective releases, and WARN obligations
  • After the separation - entitlements - wage/hour issues, COBRA issues, access to records and references
  • Keeping good records from the beginning to the end - what to keep vs. what to toss


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