Legal Principals Surrounding Regulating Employee Appearance

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Lorman Education Services; Webinar
 | 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM EST

With the increase of the #MeToo movement and the growing and urgent need to embrace diversity, now is the time for employers to make sure their dress code and appearance policies aren't a ticking time bomb. Employers need to be able to set and manage policies, to identify and mitigate legal issues (such as protected class considerations), and to work with employee requests for accommodations.

During this webinar, hosted by the Lorman Education Services, Julie Proscia will address existing dress and appearance policies to ensure compliance with federal and state laws, local laws and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission rules. 

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • How to identify types of dress codes
  • How to review health and safety issues
  • How to handle accommodation requests
  • How to identify freedom of speech and how it applies

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