Insurance Issues with the Rise of Medical Marijuana

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Association of Lloyd's Brokers, Chicago, IL
 | 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Michael McGrory will be a panelist at the Insurance Issues with the Rise of Medical Marijuana Seminar at the Chicago Cultural Center Theater, located at 78 E Washington Street, Chicago, IL 60602. The program is hosted by the Association of Lloyd's Brokers.

Brokers and carriers face many issues when entering the new arena of insuring cannabis-based businesses, including:

    • Discrepancies between federal and state law
    • New types of risks arising under professional liability lines
    • Other lines like CGL and workers compensation
    • Case examples of how courts are ruling on cannabis-related issues

Other panelists include Ken Amann, CFO, Cresco Labs; Debra Goldberg, Managing Director, Medical Underwriting, Markel; and Tim Pietrucha, Account Executive, Arthur J. Gallagher.

Free for employees of Association member and colleague firms and Insurance Associates members. $30 for non-members.

3 hours of continuing education credit from the Illinois Department of Insurance.



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