Volunteers Gone Wild: Managing, Disciplining, and Terminating Volunteers

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Lorman Education Services, Webinar
 | 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM EST

Learn how to protect your nonprofit from the legal issues that can arise from the improper handling of a volunteer. Nonprofits have to follow all of the rules that govern employees and also the additional risks of a volunteer workforce, unlike their private sector counterparts. Do you know how to protect your nonprofit from volunteers gone wild?

Join Julie Proscia for this critical Lorman Education Services webinar on January 11, 2019 as they discuss why the actions of volunteers need to be managed just as closely as your regular employees. From wage and hour to harassment issues, volunteers can be a nonprofit’s biggest liability.

In this webinar, you will learn how to manage your volunteers and the related risks:

  • Risks from volunteers
  • Policies for volunteers
  • Volunteer screening and training
  • Limitations on liability
  • Indemnification
  • Insurance


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