COVID-19 Relief in 2021: What Employers Need to Know

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Speaking Engagement
BizTimes Media, Old National Bank, and SVA Certified Public Accountants, Webcast

Click here to access the on-demand video.

Click here to access the powerpoint presentation.

The new COVID-19 Relief bill, signed into law on December 27, provides additional economic relief for business owners if you know what to look for. In addition, the new administration will mean more change is on the horizon. What are the immediate opportunities for your business, and what will the potential changes mean to you?

Webinar | Thursday, January 21 | 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM Central

There are strategies you can employ right now to take advantage of the recent COVID-19 Relief bill and prepare for what’s next. A panel of experts from BizTimes MediaOld National Bank, and SVA Certified Public Accountants hosted a free live webinar where they shared strategies you can implement now.

Topics included:

  • Updates to the Paycheck Protection Program
  • Working with the SBA – processes and financing programs beyond PPP
  • Stimulus Legislation, Tax Credits, and final guidance on PPP loans
  • Regulatory Guidance -what to anticipate from the new administration
  • The Consolidated Appropriations Act
  • Modifications to the CARES Act


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