Sikkellee Saga Continues

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Speaking Engagement
ABA National Institute on Aviation Litigation 2022, Webcast
 | 2:15 PM-3:15 PM ET

Join Mike McGrory for this presentation on the continuing Sikkelee Saga. It will cover the Second Circuit addressing the question in the Jones case, the Third Circuit’s Sikkelee decision, and what is still on the horizon. Mike will also be presenting with Brian LaCien (Smith LaCien), David Rapoport (Rapoport Weisberg Sims), and Michael Krzak (Krzak Rundio Law Group LLC).

The National Institute on Aviation Litigation 2022 program will be virtual and also include presentations on criminality issues arising from aviation accidents, the 1500 Hour rule and pilot shortage issues, and issues in claims involving in-flight liability issues—falling baggage, drunken passengers, and more.


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