You’ve Decided to Keep Your PPP Funds, Now What? Properly Prepare to Maximize Loan Forgiveness

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Speaking Engagement
BizTimes Media, Webcast

Click here to view the Webinar On-Demand.

Click here to access the PowerPoint Presentation.

Even before COVID-19 hit, American businesses averaged less than 28 days of cash on-hand. Economic recovery will depend on businesses and supply chains surviving through better cash flow management.  Since April 23, businesses have been scrambling to navigate the ever-changing maze of qualification requirements to determine whether to keep their PPP funding in the wake of FAQs 31, 37 and 39.  The next critical process will be ensuring — to the extent possible — proper documentation for filing for loan forgiveness in the weeks ahead.

On Tuesday, May 12 from 2-3 PM Central,  BizTimes hosted a live webcast addressing the latest PPP guidance.

Presenters discussed:

  • How best to document your loan use for sake of future forgiveness
  • Actionable cash flow management strategies
  • Considerations for tax preparations
  • Understanding the FTE calculations under PPP
  • What happens if someone quits during the PPP lifeline?
  • Strategies for workforce maintenance beyond your 8-week PPP lifeline


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