Represented a Manufacturer During Contract Negotiations and a Strike

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Our labor team represented a manufacturer in a matter in which, after 9 months of contract negotiations, nearly 400 workers went on strike on May 18, 2014. They remained on strike for 3 months at the company's headquarters in Franklin Park, Illinois.  During the strike, nearly 100 strikers crossed the picket line. The company also reached record production levels. We were very involved in the pre-strike planning and ongoing issues during the strike. Upon the striking employees' offer to return to work at the end of August 2014, the union leveled a series of unfair labor practice charges against the company, resulting in a 21-count complaint by the NLRB.  We successfully negotiated a "non-Board" (no oversight by NLRB) settlement for less than 1/3 of the monetary demand, resulting in the complete dismissal of the complaint and employer’s continued ability to contract out work. The NLRB complaint was dismissed in June 2015.


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