Deployment Won't Pause Candidate's Defamation Suit -- Chicago Daily Law Bulletin Quotes Ryan Jacobson

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Chicago Daily Law Bulletin

The Chicago Daily Law Bulletin’s article, “Deployment won’t pause candidate’s defamation suit” discusses a dispute between two former state’s attorney hopefuls. Former state’s attorney candidate Robert W. Fioretti filed a law suit against former opponent William E. Conway III alleging defamation and civil conspiracy. Shortly after the complaint was filed Conway, a lieutenant in the U.S. Naval Reserves, was deployed, but the judge ruled that the case will move forward to discovery in Conway’s absence.

In the article, Ryan Jacobson, is quoted saying, “It’s a shame, really, that almost 8 months after he lost the primary with just 5% of the vote Fioretti would waste Cook County resources pursuing a libel suit against a former political opponent. This is the same candidate who belittled Conway’s military record during the campaign, and who now demands the case push ahead in Conway’s absence, knowing he was just deployed overseas to serve our country.”

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