Illinois Chamber Tells IDOL Joint Employer Rule Unnecessary – Mike Hughes Provides Testimony to the Illinois Department of Labor (IDOL)

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Illinois Chamber of Commerce Employment Law Council Newsletter

Mike Hughes provided testimony to the Illinois Department of Labor (IDOL) in a virtual hearing on the proposed rule regarding joint employer designation. In response to the federal USDOL rule, IDOL filed a proposed rule that took a different approach to the joint employer issue in May, 2020. The Illinois Chamber provided written comments to the rule raising a number of concerns including:

  • Notice is insufficient given the significant impact on business
  • The proposed rule will have a significant negative impact on Illinois business especially small businesses
  • The Department is not within its statutory authority

Mike pointed out in his testimony that the federal rule has been struck down by a NY federal court and while it is being appealed it is unlikely that an incoming Biden Administration will continue the appeal.


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