Prevailing Wage in Illinois - What's Changed for Employers?

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Illinois Chamber of Commerce; Springfield, IL
 | 8:30AM - 12:30PM

Prevailing wage is a mandatory component of many public works projects – regardless if the project is local, state, or federal. Laws continue to change and are confusing and convoluted.

This Illinois Chamber of Commerce seminar gives participants firsthand real world experience and insight into both the Illinois Prevailing Wage Act and the Federal Davis-Bacon Law.

Jon Hoag teaches this seminar, focusing on:

  • Common sense strategies for limiting liability
  • How to avoid common errors and technical violations with mandatory recordkeeping requirements
  • How to calculate the “prevailing wage” on Illinois and federal projects and review of complex guidelines surrounding wage determinations
  • Recommendations for responses to audits and investigations
  • How to avoid audits, penalties, litigation and other negative consequences

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