Public Sector

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Our labor and employment group includes attorneys with a strong and dedicated practice focused on public sector labor and employment law.  We understand the unique nature, circumstances, personalities, politics and substantive law matters concerning public sector clients and their workers.

Our attorneys have a comprehensive understanding of the governmental entities and the fiscal and political environment in which these clients operate. As such, we understand the effect labor and employment disputes have on a public entity’s ability to protect and serve. Our amply experienced attorneys cover the following matters:

  • Illinois Labor Relations Board matters
  • Illinois Educational Relations Board matters
  • Matters before the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners
  • Unfair labor practice charges
  • Collective bargaining agreements and negotiations
  • Strikes and picketing
  • Grievances and arbitration
  • Responsible bidder laws and ordinances
  • Prevailing wage laws
  • HR Counseling
  • Affirmative Action Plans and Audit Defense
  • FOI and Open Meetings Act counseling
  • Free speech and related Constitutional Law matters
  • Employment litigation, including but not limited to Title VII and Title IX






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