Reputation & Crisis Management

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Free speech was never limited to compliments and unfortunately words do hurt. There is no perfect science to reputation management, but to cover your ears and eyes and repeat “no comment” again and again will do more harm than good. Our attorneys understand what drives negative publicity and the boundaries that govern what is fit for print according to journalistic standards versus what constitutes as defamation.

Our attorneys assist clients in all industries in crisis and reputational management, mitigation and preservation. We have been handling reputation and crisis management for more than two decades. We know the terms of use, patterns and algorithms of social media, and we know the various tactics of those who exploit these platforms in order to disparage businesses and professionals.

We use a tempered balance of calculated responses, education and cease-and-desist demands to control the narrative and stifle the speech of those using false narratives to ruin reputations. We draft statements, press releases, and act as a liaison to the press or naysayers to help control the narrative and mitigate further damage. We serve demand letters and represent clients seeking recourse for an unlawful reputational attack, as well as defend those who express constitutionally-protected opinions but are sued by someone looking to censor their speech. We’ve defended countless print, online and on-air media entities, reporters and publications in such cases.






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